

Thursday, August 30, 2007

My Wow Leveling Guide

You need a Wow Leveling Guide? Oh, that's a World of Warcraft Leveling Guide for those of you who are new to this wow game. Well, I did too, so let me tell you the gory story of why I needed a wow leveling guide.

I purchased the World of Warcraft Free Trial dvd for $1.99 at a game store. I installed the game (which took forever to download the patches to get the game to the latest version). Ok, I'm all set to play. I got help to create the trial 14 day free account from people in my house who have been playing the game for a long time. I have to say now, that was the only time they would help me. One of them had gone from level 0-60 in 4 months. But, he claimed that he didn't remember anything when I would ask for help. Oh yeah, but when his friends came over, they seemed to know a whole lot that they didn't want to tell me.

And, I needed to know a whole lot about this game world of warcraft. First of all, you need to pick a character on a particular side of the war. (You should know the history of things in the game but you don't have to). You have to pick a profession and a whole load of stuff I had no idea about. Once I answered all of the questions , I was able to enter the game. It was so cool. Nothing was there though but grass and trees. I didn't know where to go, to get into the excitement I heard so much about, so I wondered around. Creatures would appear and I would fight them and when I won, I had trouble getting the loot because I didn't know what I was doing. I needed help in a big way and nobody in my house was willing to give it to me. I was bugging them. Did I tell you that characters come up to talk to you. It's embarrassing when you don't know how to respond.

Anyway, I did find a guide that helped me. This guide has the things that I needed to know, like the story line, what are the characters, alliance, professions, where to go and what to do. The guide explained the different lands and just everything I needed to know to play the game without bugging people and enjoy the game. Once I knew what I was doing I expanded my knowledge of the game and started creating macros and addons. But, that's a whole other story. If you want to know more about this guide press the link here A Great World of Warcraft Guide with MP3 for Your iPod .

How to soar and roar from level 0-70 using a wow leveling guide

Ok, that was how I got started. But I didn't want to spend 4 to 5 months going from level 0-60 and then trying to go to level 70 (like the people in my house taking 4 months to get to level 60). I wanted to reach level 60 and on to level 70 much faster than the 4 months my brother and his friends. So, I looked for a free wow leveling guide. I found many free wow leveling guides. I realized that something right away. Why those guides were free. They were missing things from 1 that I only found in another guide. I wanted to find everything I need in 1 wow leveling guide. After I took a look at Brian Kopp's Alliance Wow Leveling Guide, read that he was an expert and why he was an expert, I decided that I would try his guide. It came with a money back guarantee, so what did I have to lose. Well, it turned out that I lost nothing and Brian got to keep his money, lol. I chose Brian's guide also because it's an Alliance wow leveing guide and all of my characters had been Alliance. Most people pick the Alliance side over the Horde. Both sides are good to select from though. With Brian's wow leveling guide you can go from 0-7 in a matter of days instead of the months it took the people in my house just to reach level 60.

I haven't told my brother and his friends that I got this great guide and they are stunned by the fact that I am leveling so fast. I have the last laugh. Anyway, if you want to level at break neck speed as an Alliance character get more information here Brian Kopp's 1-70 Alliance Leveling Guide.

Good luck with this wow leveling guide.



At October 3, 2007 at 7:14 PM , Blogger Kaiya Kramer said...

This guide is fantastic, I don't use it anymore, but for those certain areas where leveling is slow, it provides some excellent quest choices and sound advice.

If you'd like to know more, message me at:

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